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Automated Policies

A special features of the RDMS which distinguishes it from other UG storage solutions is the possibility to add automated data policies.

The policies can be defined in the RDMS web interface and they allow to setup (delayed) jobs which are automatically executed when the policy execution date/criteria is reached.

A common scenario to use RDMS automated policies is to revoke project participation of collaborators automatically after a certain date.

Currently, the RDMS automated policies are available for RDMS Projects as well as Team Drives.


  • For the following steps, it is needed that you have elevated user permissions in the system to see the Data Management Tab in the web interface. If you do not see the respective buttons described below, your account likely misses these permissions. Please contact RDMS-Support.
  • You will just see pre-defined policies in the RDMS web interface. If you have an idea about a missing policy, please also contact RDMS-Support.