• WebDAV and Windows : In Windows the WebDAV protocol is limited to a maximum file size of 4 GB. If you use WebDAV under Windows, we recommend to use either Cyberduck or WinSCP to bypass this issue. See the section about file size for more details about recommended clients depending on the file size.
  • Speeding up the upload of large set of small files: In case you want to add a large set of small files (in the order of thousands) to a collection or a project, please pack your data in a zip or tar archive and upload the package. This will tremendously reduce the operation time. Currently, you can only unpack the data inside the RDMS via iCommands.
  • Problems with Cyberduck transfers: Known issues when transferring files to and from the RDMS with Cyberduck are listed at the bottom of the Cyberduck section of this Wiki under “Transfer Preferences”. If you run into problems during your transfers, please check that the settings of your Cyberduck instance reflect our recommended settings. An unstable internet connection can also cause issues during data transfers with Cyberduck.
  • RDMS (web interface) not accessible: The RDMS web interface is only accessible from within the UG network. For remote access, use the UG VPN. If access is still not possible, please contact the RDMS support.
  • RDMS web interface does not accept username/password: There is a known issue if certain special characters are used in the user password. This can result in login problems in the RDMS web interface. If possible, please try adjusting your password by using other special characters or none at all. If you still have issues, contact the RDMS support.
  • Login via P/S number does not work: The RDMS uses your @rug.nl or @student.rug.nl email address as user name, not your P/S number.
  • Connection to RDMS server via iCommands refused: After our system update of November 2024, the address for the RDMS server has changed. Be sure that you use the correct server address (store.data.rug.nl) in your config file (irods_environment.json). If the connection times out, check that you are in the UG network. If problems persists, contact the RDMS support.

If you would like us to add points to this FAQ or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us by sending an email to rdms-support@rug.nl.