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Create a group drive

The top-level directory shared is the place to put your shared data. It has the following absolute path: rugZone/home/shared/.

To create a shared folder, navigate to the top-level directory of the RDMS as is shown in fig 5.1. One can reach the shared directories using the left panel of the file browser. You can choose shared directory under team drives or directly select shared from the left panel. The option to . create a new directory is available via the drop-down menu shown by: … The options for a new shared place are: New Folder : To create a new directory where one can store files or other directories to be shared with other users of the system. Upload File : One can use this option to upload a file in the RMDS to the current location. Note: It is not advisable (strongly discouraged) to put single files in the shared area. When one decides to share a file or a collection of files, one may better create a directory (container) where those files are placed. Link Folder.. Needs attention