We provide courses on Large scale computations and data analysis on the Hábrók cluster to our users. There are two versions: Basic and a more Advanced one. The basic course is given monthly, the advanced one twice per year. The details of the courses are given below. All material (slides, exercises) of both courses can be found on the Course material page.
For questions about the courses you can contact us at
Basic Hábrók course
Often the power of the desktop PC or laptop is not enough to perform simulations or analyses of huge datasets. The Hábrók cluster with more than 19000 CPU cores can help you in tackling this problem. In this four hour course you will learn how to work with this system.
The following topics will be discussed:
- What the cluster can do for you
- How to get access to the system
- How to work with the Linux command-line environment
- How to transfer data to and from the cluster
- How to find, and get access to the available software
- How to start and monitor calculations on the cluster
The course has been split in two parts. The first part addresses logging in to the system and the use of the Linux environment. The second part will discuss the setup of the cluster, the available software and starting real calculations. For people who already have knowledge about the Linux command-line environment it is possible to only attend the second part.
All the materials for this course are available on our wiki here.
Course format
The course will be a mixture of lectures and hands-on exercises, in which you will work with the concepts explained.
After the course you should understand what a computer cluster is, how to log in to the system, how to work with the command-line environment, be able to transfer data, and submit calculations as jobs to the system.
No knowledge about clusters or Linux necessary. All examples are based on (free to download and use) software already available on the university Windows desktops. Pointers to alternative software will be given for Mac and Linux users.
Course dates
The course is given monthly, except for the summer period. The courses are given in the afternoon from 13:00 to 17:00. The course is given on site and online alternatingly. The following dates are planned for now:
2024 / 2025
- Tuesday 25 March (originally 18th), online through Kaltura: Registration link
- Thursday 17 April on site in room 5415.0041 (Landleven 1): Registration link
- Thursday 15 May, online through Kaltura: Registration link
- Thursday 12 June, online through Kaltura: Registration link
Please be aware that filling in the registration form requires logging in to your RUG account. If you would like to attend the course, but don't have a RUG account, please contact us at, but be aware that for using Hábrók a RUG account is required as well.
Advanced Hábrók course
In this four hour course, which is a follow-up to the Hábrók introduction course, an overview of several parallelization and job handling methods will be given. This will help you in making a more effective use of the Hábrók cluster.
The following topics will be discussed:
- Some details of modern system architecture;
- Differences between shared and distributed memory parallelization;
- Introduction to bash scripting for writing advanced job scripts;
- Job arrays, submitting many jobs at the same time.
The course will focus on getting familiar with the concepts, not on a thorough explanation of all the details, as the latter would not fit in a single afternoon.
All the materials for this course are available on our wiki here.
Course format
The course will be a mixture of lectures and hands-on exercises, in which you will work with the concepts explained.
After the course you should be able to understand how to work with shared memory or distributed memory applications on the cluster. You should be able to write more advanced job scripts that make it possible to automate job tasks. Finally you should be able to perform parameter sweeps using job arrays.
For this course basic knowledge about the Linux command line, and the Hábrók cluster is assumed.
Course dates
The course is twice per year. The courses are given in the afternoon from 13:00 to 17:00. The following dates are planned for now:
2024 / 2025
- Tuesday 20 May, on site in room 5415.0032 (Landleven 1): Registration link
Please be aware that filling in the registration form requires logging in to your RUG account. If you would like to attend the course, but don't have a RUG account, please contact us at, but be aware that for using Hábrók a RUG account is required as well.