This is an old revision of the document!

Access and Policies

The Peregrine system is available to support scientific research and education. University staff members that want to use the system for these purposes can request an account. Students may also use the system for these purposes, but will need the approval of a staff member for this. The accounts can therefore only be requested by staff members.

People not affiliated to the University of Groningen can only get an account under special circumstances. Please contact if you want more information on this.

In order to get an account on the system you should use the online form. Another way to request an account is to use the Self-Service Portal IRIS. Please go to Research and Innovation Support → Computing and Research Support Facilities → High Performance Computing cluster (HPC, Peregrine) → Request Peregrine account. You can then fill in the form and submit it. Please note that you need to login to the Self-Service Portal with your RuG credentials.

You will be automatically subscribed to the Peregrine user mailing list and The Flying Falcon (HPC newsletter) mailing list. Unsubscribing from the Peregrine user mailing list can only be done by requesting removal of your Peregrine account (see below). You can freely unsubscribe from The Flying Falcon mailing list.

Users of the cluster have to adhere to the Acceptable use policy of the University of Groningen for university computer systems.

The login node of the cluster is used by all users of the cluster to login and submit jobs. A high load on the login node will impair the usability of the cluster for other users.
It is therefore not allowed to run processes that take a significant amount of memory or CPU power. We have a short queue available if you quickly want to test something. Alternatively you could use the interactive node which has less severe restrictions.

The filesystems /data, /home, and /scratch are shared. Updating the metadata on a large number of files on these filesystems leads to a degraded performance for other users and is therefore not allowed. This can happen, for example, by running the Unix command touch automatically on a large number of files.

We also might contact you if you do other things that adversely affect the performance of the cluster for other users.

When accounts on the cluster expire, data of the account will be removed, in accordance to the university guidelines for account expiration.

If you want to remove your account from Peregrine, please fill in this form. Make sure you’re logged in with your RUG account to be able to fill in the form. You will then receive a confirmation email to which you need to reply before your account will be removed. Together with losing access to Peregrine, your data will be removed after a week. In addition, you will be unsubscribed from the Peregrine mailing list, and the Flying Falcon mailing list.