Important: Interviews count as sensitive data. As such, you should be careful about where you store them and how you share them. It is also important that you minimize the data that you collect during an interview. This guide is going to show you how to set up Kaltura Capture to record your interview, but also how to make sure that you only collect the data you need.

To properly launch Kaltura Capture after you have installed it, you need to open the Video Portal of the University of Groningen page and login with your UG account. Then, as you did in the Installation guide, you need to select Add New in the top bar, and then Kaltura Capture.

If you are working from a UWP machine, this same process needs to be performed from Brightspace, instead of the Video Portal.

This will send you back to the page where you downloaded the installer for Kaltura. If you wait a few moments, the Kaltura Capture application will start. The page will ask you to confirm the action, as shown in the picture below.

If you confirm that you want to open Kaltura Capture, this is what the widget should look like once opened:

The first thing you want to do, is open the settings menu by clicking Manage in the widget.

Clicking there will open your library window. Below the library icon, you can find the settings icon. Click it, then make sure your settings are the same as the ones shown in the picture below.

You will notice that Kaltura Capture lists the folder where your recordings are stored, but that it does not allow you to change that folder. This is why you must select the right folder during the installation process. If you do not have any preferences on any of the settings, the one thing you have to change is Record system audio. It should be set to Yes.

Click Save to commit your changes and close the settings page. Now that the application is set up, you can record your first meeting/interview by following the steps in the next section.

→ Move to the next step