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rdms:solution:team [2023/06/28 12:55] – Added a note for CLI users jelterdms:solution:team [2024/12/17 15:25] (current) burcu
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 ====== Team Drives ====== ====== Team Drives ======
-{{ :rdms:solution:rdms_locations_concept_team.png?800 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:rdms_locations_concept_team.png?direct&800 |}}
-===== General Concept of RDMS Team Drives =====+===== General Concepts of the RDMS Team Drives =====
-The following points summarize some of the basics of these special collections in the RDMS: +The following points summarize some of the basics of Team Drives in the RDMS: 
-  * Within the different storage areas of the RDMS, the so called //Team Drives// fulfill the role of a **shared storage space for research groups**.+  * Within the different storage areas of the RDMS,  //Team Drives// fulfil the role of a **shared storage space for research groups**.
   * They can be used to store a group's research data in the mid- and long-term.   * They can be used to store a group's research data in the mid- and long-term.
   * The RDMS Team Drive are can be seen as the **RDMS equivalent of the Y: Drive**.    * The RDMS Team Drive are can be seen as the **RDMS equivalent of the Y: Drive**. 
-  * Within the RDMS, Team Drives are always located at ''/rug/home/<Team_Name>''.+  * Within the RDMS, Team Drives are always located at ''/<zone>/home/<Team_Name>''.
   * The data in a RDMS Team Drive can be shared with other group members, but also other RDMS users.   * The data in a RDMS Team Drive can be shared with other group members, but also other RDMS users.
 +  * [[rdms:solution:policies|Automated Policies]] can be implemented by the managers of a Team Drive. 
   * The initial setup of a Team Drive has to be request.   * The initial setup of a Team Drive has to be request.
-  * The management of Team Drive (new users, permissions management) is in the hand of the research groups themselves. +  * The management of Team Drives (new users, permissions management) is in the hand of the research groups themselves. 
 In the following sections, it will be described how a RDMS Team Drive is initially requested and setup. Furthermore, the management of a Team Drive and the working with a Team Drive will be explained by using some examples.  In the following sections, it will be described how a RDMS Team Drive is initially requested and setup. Furthermore, the management of a Team Drive and the working with a Team Drive will be explained by using some examples. 
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 While the management and maintenance of a RDMS Team Drive are in the hands of the individual research groups or Team Drive owners, the initial setup of a Team Drive has to be requested via the RDMS Support. While the management and maintenance of a RDMS Team Drive are in the hands of the individual research groups or Team Drive owners, the initial setup of a Team Drive has to be requested via the RDMS Support.
-To request a Team Drive, please contact <rdms-support@rug.nl> or <dcc@rug.nl>+To request a Team Drive, please contact <rdms-support@rug.nl>
 For the setup of a Team Drive, the following additional information are needed: For the setup of a Team Drive, the following additional information are needed:
-  - **Name of the Team Drive:** The requester decides for a name that the Team Drive should have. The name will also define the location within the RDMS. The new drive will be at ''/rug/home/<Team_Name>'''.+  - **Name of the Team Drive:** The requester decides for a name that the Team Drive should have. The name will also define the location within the RDMS. The new drive will be at ''/<zone>/home/<Team_Name>''.
   - **Owner Information**: Every RDMS Team Drive gets at least one owner assigned to it. This is usually the PI of a research group. As is just possible to assign a owner if this person is already registered in the RDMS, please login at least once via the [[https://research.web.rug.nl/rdmswebapp/|RDMS web portal]] to have your account registered.   - **Owner Information**: Every RDMS Team Drive gets at least one owner assigned to it. This is usually the PI of a research group. As is just possible to assign a owner if this person is already registered in the RDMS, please login at least once via the [[https://research.web.rug.nl/rdmswebapp/|RDMS web portal]] to have your account registered.
-  - **Further Information:** As will be explained later, individual users and also groups can be added with different permissions to a Team Drive. This can be done at any time by the owner of a RDMS Team Drive, but if is already known that certain groups or users should have access to the Team Drive, it is also possible to adjust this already during the initial setup.+  - **Further Information:** As will be explained later, individual users and also groups can be added with different permissions to a Team Drive. This can be done at any time by the owner of a RDMS Team Drive, but if it is already known that certain groups or users should have access to the Team Drive, it is also possible to adjust this already during the initial setup.
-It should be noted that **the creation of a RDMS Team Drive also creates a separate RDMS group** with the same name as the Team Drive. This group is automatically added to the newly created Team Drive. +It should be noted that **the creation of a RDMS Team Drive also creates an associated RDMS Group** with the same name as the Team Drive. This group is automatically added to the newly created Team Drive. 
-If it is desired by the owner of the RDMS Team Drive to manage the permissions on a group level, in contrast to just assigning permissions for individual users (see below)please also mention this during the initial request of the RDMS Team Drive.  +Moreover, the creator of the Team Drive will get elevated 'groupadmin' permissions within the RDMS that allow to manage Team Drive via the [[rdms:webapp:datamanagement|Data Management tab]] of the web portal as well as create further new Team Drives if needed (see below)
- +
-Managing on a group level needs additional 'groupadmin' privileges that have to be granted to the managing person.  +
-Of course, it is also at a later stage always possible to add these privileges if it is desired to work with RDMS groups +
 ===== Working with Team Drives ===== ===== Working with Team Drives =====
-For this example, we assume that a new Team Drive with the name ''Example_Group1'' was requested. Accordingly, the location of the new Team Drive is at ''/rug/home/Example_Group1'', the top-level of our RDMS Team Drive.+For this example, we assume that a new Team Drive with the name ''Example_Group1'' was requested. Accordingly, the location of the new Team Drive is at ''/<zone>/home/Example_Group1'', the top-level of our RDMS Team Drive.
 As there is a difference for the usage of Team Drives by by the managers/owners of the Team Drives and by 'normal' RDMS users, the following section will be split according to this distinction:  As there is a difference for the usage of Team Drives by by the managers/owners of the Team Drives and by 'normal' RDMS users, the following section will be split according to this distinction: 
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 ==== For Team Drive Owners/Managers  ==== ==== For Team Drive Owners/Managers  ====
 +++++ Click to display section |
 Team Drive owners/managers can use the [[rdms:webapp:datamanagement|Data Management]] tab in the interface to get an overview about currently set permissions of the respective Team Drives, and also to manage the Team Drive.   Team Drive owners/managers can use the [[rdms:webapp:datamanagement|Data Management]] tab in the interface to get an overview about currently set permissions of the respective Team Drives, and also to manage the Team Drive.  
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 Navigating to the Data Management tab and selecting the ''Team drives'' button will reveal an overview of all RDMS Team Drives that are available for the user. Navigating to the Data Management tab and selecting the ''Team drives'' button will reveal an overview of all RDMS Team Drives that are available for the user.
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_drive1.png?300 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:team_drive1.png?direct&300 |}}
 Clicking on the name of one of the available RDMS Team Drives, opens the management tab of the respective Team Drive. On this page, diverse management tasks can be performed by the owner/manager of the Team Drive.  Clicking on the name of one of the available RDMS Team Drives, opens the management tab of the respective Team Drive. On this page, diverse management tasks can be performed by the owner/manager of the Team Drive. 
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_drive2.png?900 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:team_drive2.png?direct&900 |}}
 === Group Users Management Tab (Manage RDMS Team Drive Group Members) === === Group Users Management Tab (Manage RDMS Team Drive Group Members) ===
-{{:rdms:solution:team_group_tab.png?50|}} The leftmost button gives an overview about the current members of the RDMS Group that is automatically created and added to a Team Drive when it is setup. +{{:rdms:solution:team_group_tab.png?direct&50|}} The leftmost button gives an overview about the current members of the RDMS Group that is automatically created and added to a Team Drive when it is setup. 
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 To add a new member to this group, the cogwheel symbol in the top-right corner reveals a context menu. Selecting 'Add Group member' from this menu can be used to add a new member to this Team Drive Group. Select the user that should be added in the next menu and then confirm. To add a new member to this group, the cogwheel symbol in the top-right corner reveals a context menu. Selecting 'Add Group member' from this menu can be used to add a new member to this Team Drive Group. Select the user that should be added in the next menu and then confirm.
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_add_group_merged.png?600 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:team_add_group_merged.png?direct&600 |}}
 **Removing Group Members** **Removing Group Members**
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 Removing Group members is done from the same tab. Simply click on the trash bin symbol next to the user's name. The user will be removed. Removing Group members is done from the same tab. Simply click on the trash bin symbol next to the user's name. The user will be removed.
-**Note:** Do not remove yourself from the Group. Otherwise, you loose the capability to manage it. In case you accidentally remove yourself from a group, get in contact with the RDMS support. +**Note:**\\ Do not remove yourself from the Group. Otherwise, you loose the capability to manage it. In case you accidentally remove yourself from a group, get in contact with the RDMS support. 
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_group3.png?1000 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:team_group3.png?direct&1000 |}}
 === Team Drive Permissions Tab === === Team Drive Permissions Tab ===
-{{:rdms:solution:team_permissions_tab.png?50|}} The middle button gives an overview about the current assigned permissions on the top-level of the Team Drive. The RDMS Groups that have permissions are also listed here. The currently set [[rdms:data:permissions|permission levels]] are listed in the table next to the user/group name. +{{:rdms:solution:team_permissions_tab.png?direct&50|}} The middle button gives an overview about the current assigned permissions on the top-level of the Team Drive. The RDMS Groups that have permissions are also listed here. The currently set [[rdms:data:permissions|permission levels]] are listed in the table next to the user/group name. 
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_permissions_tab2.png?900 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:team_permissions_tab2.png?direct&900 |}}
 **Changing/Revoking Permissions of listed Users/Groups** **Changing/Revoking Permissions of listed Users/Groups**
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 To change the permission level, just click on the pencil symbol next to the name of the user/group. This will open a new window where a new permission level can be select. Also permissions can be removed by selecting 'None' from the permission selection field.  To change the permission level, just click on the pencil symbol next to the name of the user/group. This will open a new window where a new permission level can be select. Also permissions can be removed by selecting 'None' from the permission selection field. 
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_permission2.png?400 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:team_permission2.png?direct&400 |}}
 When adjusting the permissions, there is an additional selection possibility which decides if the permission change should apply for all files/folders within the Team Drive (select 'Including sub files and folder') or just for the top-level of the Team Drive (select 'Only this file/folder').  When adjusting the permissions, there is an additional selection possibility which decides if the permission change should apply for all files/folders within the Team Drive (select 'Including sub files and folder') or just for the top-level of the Team Drive (select 'Only this file/folder'). 
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   - **Add Group:** Can be used to assign permission for a RDMS group, instead of a single user.    - **Add Group:** Can be used to assign permission for a RDMS group, instead of a single user. 
-For all three selection, it is possible to choose a suitable [[rdms:data:permissions|permission level]] and also to decide if the newly set permissions should apply to all files/folders in the Team Drive location (also all sub-folders, etc.) or just for the top-level (in this example ''/rug/home/Example_Team1''+For all three selection, it is possible to choose a suitable [[rdms:data:permissions|permission level]] and also to decide if the newly set permissions should apply to all files/folders in the Team Drive location (also all sub-folders, etc.) or just for the top-level (in this example ''/<zone>/home/Example_Team1'' 
 === Team Drive Data Tab === === Team Drive Data Tab ===
-{{:rdms:solution:team_data_tab.png?50|}} The rightmost button gives an overview about the data that is currently stored on the Team Drive. From this overview,  it is also possible to do some basic tasks, like creation of a new folder, moving of a folder/file to another location, uploading of small files. +{{:rdms:solution:team_data_tab.png?direct&50|}} The rightmost button gives an overview about the data that is currently stored on the Team Drive. From this overview,  it is also possible to do some basic tasks, like creation of a new folder, moving of a folder/file to another location, uploading of small files. 
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_data_tab3.png?900 |}}+{{ :rdms:solution:team_data_tab3.png?direct&900 |}}
 Selecting first a file/folder and then pressing the ''i'' button results in a new menu which displays some information about the selected file/folder. Here, it is possible to see the currently set permissions on the respective data, see its metadata entries (if there are any), and it also gives the possibility to setup/remove a [[rdms:data:sharing|shared link]].  Selecting first a file/folder and then pressing the ''i'' button results in a new menu which displays some information about the selected file/folder. Here, it is possible to see the currently set permissions on the respective data, see its metadata entries (if there are any), and it also gives the possibility to setup/remove a [[rdms:data:sharing|shared link]]. 
-=== Additional Infos: Permission Management and Usage of Groups ===+=== Additional Info: Permission Management and Usage of Groups ===
 **Assigning other Owners/Managers for a Team Drive** **Assigning other Owners/Managers for a Team Drive**
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 The steps to assign permissions that were described above always assign permissions on the top-level of the Team Drive, and all of its sub-folder and files if the specific checkbox was selected. The steps to assign permissions that were described above always assign permissions on the top-level of the Team Drive, and all of its sub-folder and files if the specific checkbox was selected.
-For a more granular permission assignment, it is possible to adjust the permissions also differently for different files/folders that are contained in the Team Drive.  +For a more granular permission assignment, it is possible to adjust the [[rdms:data:permissions|permission levels]] also differently for different files/folders that are contained in the Team Drive.  
 For this, the respective file/folder has to be selected from the data tab. Subsequently, pressing the ''i'' button while the file/folder are selected will open a new menu which also contains a 'Members' tab which lists all the currently set permissions for that file/folder.  For this, the respective file/folder has to be selected from the data tab. Subsequently, pressing the ''i'' button while the file/folder are selected will open a new menu which also contains a 'Members' tab which lists all the currently set permissions for that file/folder. 
-{{ :rdms:solution:team_permission3.png?600 |}} +{{ :rdms:solution:team_permission3.png?direct&600 |}} 
-**Note:**  +**Note:**\\  While there are several use-cases and advantages of a granular permission management of data in a Team Drive, please take into account that this can lead to a loss of overview about which permissions are currently set on which files/folders in the Team Drive. 
-While there are several use-cases and advantages of a granular permission management of data in a Team Drive, please take into account that this can lead to a loss of overview about which permissions are currently set on which files/folders in the Team Drive. +
 Also please take into account that a permission change on a higher level will overwrite the different individual permissions of the same user/group if 'Including sub files and folder' is selected during permission assignments.  Also please take into account that a permission change on a higher level will overwrite the different individual permissions of the same user/group if 'Including sub files and folder' is selected during permission assignments. 
 If you want to have a Team Drive that is setup with granular permissions for different users/groups, it is recommended to get in contact with the RDMS support if you are unsure how this is realized in the best way.  If you want to have a Team Drive that is setup with granular permissions for different users/groups, it is recommended to get in contact with the RDMS support if you are unsure how this is realized in the best way. 
 +**Permission Inheritance and Team Drives**
 +It is furthermore possible to enable/disable [[rdms:data:permissions|permission inheritance]] for the whole Team Drive or its sub-folders. If a Team Drive is created, the standard setting will create it with permission inheritance 'false' (inheritance disabled) which means that a newly created sub-folder or file within the Team Drive's main folder will not inherit the permissions that were assigned on the main folder. 
 +{{ :rdms:solution:team_inheritance1.png?direct&800 |}}
 +The owner of a Team Drive can enable permission inheritance on the whole drive if that is desired. To do this, you have to navigate to the management tab of the Team Drive and then first select the ''i'' button to reveal the information window. 
 +From there, you can access a context menu that allows you to select 'Set permission inheritance'.
 +{{ :rdms:solution:team_inheritance2.png?direct&800 |}}
 +Please read the section about [[rdms:data:permissions|permissions]] which also contains a more detailed explanation about permission inheritance in general. 
 **The Advantages of using Groups for Permission Management** **The Advantages of using Groups for Permission Management**
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 For those RDMS users that do not use the web portal to work in the system, but who rather work via the command-line interface (CLI) using ''iCommands'', it is also possible to do this management tasks from the CLI.  For those RDMS users that do not use the web portal to work in the system, but who rather work via the command-line interface (CLI) using ''iCommands'', it is also possible to do this management tasks from the CLI. 
-Please refer to the [[rdms:access:linux:createprofile|icommands]] wiki which provides some examples on specific commands that can be used for management tasks. Also refer to the [[https://docs.irods.org/4.3.0/|official iRODS documentation]] which also has a summary of the available commands. +Please refer to the [[rdms:access:linux:icommands|icommands]] wiki which provides some examples on specific commands that can be used for management tasks. Also refer to the [[https://docs.irods.org/4.3.0/|official iRODS documentation]] which also has a summary of the available commands. 
 A selection of the most common commands for CLI-based Team Drive management: A selection of the most common commands for CLI-based Team Drive management:
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   * ''igroupadmin'': Command to manage groups from the CLI.    * ''igroupadmin'': Command to manage groups from the CLI. 
 +=== Additional Info: Creation of Team Drives by the User ===
 +If you have requested a Team Drive, your account gets promoted to 'groupadmin' level within the RDMS. This role does not just allow for the management of RDMS Groups, but also makes the [[rdms:webapp:datamanagement|Data Management tab]] available in the web interface. 
 +To create a Team Drive as a 'groupadmin', first navigate to the Data Management tab, then select the ''+'' button to reveal the menu that allows you to create a new Team Drive by selecting 'New Team Drive'.
 +{{ :rdms:solution:team_create_new3.png?direct&700 |}}
 +Afterwards, the system will ask you for the desired name of the new Team Drive. Specify a name, then confirm, and a new Team Drive is created with the specified name. 
 ==== For 'normal' Team Drive Users  ==== ==== For 'normal' Team Drive Users  ====
-For 'normal' RDMS users, the above described +++++ Click to display section | 
 +For 'normal' RDMS users, the above described drive management tasks are of lesser importance. In the following section, we will therefore focus on the description where these users find their available RDMS Team Drives in the web portal or when using one of the [[rdms:access:|clients]].  
 +It will be also explained how to transfer files to/from a Team Drive location as a short example.  
 +=== Accessing Team Drives from the Web Portal and RDMS Clients === 
 +**From the web portal**  
 +From the web portal, available Team Drives are listed in the [[rdms:webapp:databrowser|Data Browser]] tab. Clicking on the name of one of the listed Team Drives will open it. 
 +{{ :rdms:solution:tdms_team_user1.png?direct&800 |}} 
 +Afterwards, basic tasks can be performed directly in the web interface, for example the creation of new folders or uploading of small files (<50 MB).  
 +Alternatively, if the correct location of the respective Team Drive is known, in our example ''/rug/home/Example_Team1'', it is also possible to copy this location to the address bar in the web portal, and confirm by pressing 'Enter' to reach the Team Drive.  
 +{{ :rdms:solution:rdms_team_user2.png?direct&800 |}} 
 +**Using one of the GUI clients (e.g. Cyberduck)** 
 +When using Cyberduck as an example for a GUI client for the RDMS, the Team Drive locations can be accessed in the following way: 
 +If using the **native iRODS protocol for Cyberduck** and when no special configuration are made in Cyberduck, you will see your personal Home location after login (e.g. ''/rug/home/<mailadress>'').  
 +As this is one level down the folder hierarchy of the RDMS, it is first needed to navigate one level up to see available RDMS Team Drive.  
 +{{ :rdms:solution:rdms_team_cyberduck2.png?direct&700 |}} 
 +In the higher level, in this example ''/rug/home/'', all of your available location, including Team Drives will be available. Just click on a folder to access/open it. Afterwards, file management tasks like up-/download (see below) can be performed.  
 +{{ :rdms:solution:rdms_team_cyberduck3.png?direct&700 |}} 
 +For Cyberduck on Windows, it is also again possible to directly specify the full location to reach a Team Drive.  
 +Within Cyberduck, this can be done from the Menu under ''Go'' -> ''Go to Folder...'', then specify the location and confirm to open it. 
 +**Note:**\\ If you do not use the native iRODS protocol for the connection to the RDMS in Cyberduck, but instead use the WebDAV protocol, the situation is slightly different: 
 +Using the WebDAV protocol in Cyberduck always opens the location above the users's personal home location, for example ''/rug/home/''
 +From there, other location like Team Drives can be accessed directly.  
 + **Via the CLI using ''iCommands''**  
 +For users of ''iCommands'' the easiest way to access a Team Drive location is by directly navigating to its full location using the ''icd'' command like: 
 +  $ icd /rug/home/Example_Team1 
 +=== Data Transfer/Sharing and Metadata Management within Team Drives === 
 +Data transfer in/out of a Team Drive works in the same way as in/out of your personal Home location.  
 +If this does not work out as expected, you likely miss the correct permissions for your desired task. 
-=== Transfer of Data in/out of a Team Drive ===+Please check our overview about the different [[rdms:data:permissions|permission levels]] for the needed permissions. 
 +If in doubt, contact the owner/manager of the Team Drive for further information or contact the RDMS support for assistance. 