3. Launch the VRW
The VRW uses the Citrix Workspace app to create a secure connection to the Virtual Workspace on the UG servers. The app is available for many platforms.
for UWP
On the University WorkPlace the Citrix Workspace App is installed. After logging in you will see the Citrix Storefront. On the first startup a check runs if the Citrix Workspace App is installed. Please select the “Already installed” option. A little *.ica file will be downloaded that you need to run. With that your VRW session will start.
All other platforms and desktops
N.B. You only need to set these settings once.
After logging in you will see the Citrix Storefront. This is the place to make the settings for the Citrix client.
If the Citrix Workspace-app is not found you will be shown a link to the Citrix download pages.
The plugin is available for different desktop platforms like Windows, Linux or Mac. Follow the instructions to install the Citrix application.
Select the desktop
After installation of the Citrix Workspace-app the storefront is opened with the desktop assigned to your account.
Click the arrow underneath the VRW Workspace and select Open to start the session.
Depending on your browser settings the VRW starts or a download of an .ica file starts. Click the download to start the Citrix session.
Start using the VRW
You are now logged in and can start using the VRW. The Windows Start button in the left corner to find a program or simply click the program icon on the Desktop. Programs are arranged in an alphabetical order.
Close the VRW
Please make sure to end the session. Close all applications and log out. Otherwise the session will remain active and we find that users have problems with applications not starting or raising errors.
To neatly log out: Close all applications. Click the Windows button to let the menu roll out. Select your user icon and select “Log Out”