Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksFold/unfold allBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. {{indexmenu_n>5}} ====== Checking results ====== When a job has started output generated by the jobscript will be written into the job outputfiles. If you haven't changed the names of these files using the sbatch parameters ''--output'' or ''--errror'', these files will be called ''slurm-<jobid>.out'' and ''slurm-<jobid>.err''. ''<jobid>'' will be replaced by the actual job id of the jobs. The ''.out'' file contains everything written to standard output, and the ''.err'' file will contain messages that were written to standard error. The latter will normally only appear in case of error messages. Note that output will be written to these files as soon as the job starts. Log In