Due to the nature of research, it is not always possible to come to the office to work inside the UG environment. The University also allows its employees to do smart-working for a number of days in the week. If you are working from home or from another location not on the campus, be aware that you still have different options to access the UG network and its services remotely.
The following pages will explain some of the different ways you can get access to the UG services, or even your own UG workstation, from a remote location.
For the following explanations to work, it is important to understand the general concept of the different workplaces that the university provides for its researchers. The workspaces this manual is referring to are:
UWP (University Workplace): This is the pre-installed Windows workstations that are provided by the UG. You can recognize this installation by the fact that you login with your P/S number and that you have a
set of software pre-installed. The managing and installation of software in a UWP is regulated by the CIT servicedesk. To have new software made available, a
request needs to be sent.
VWP (Virtual Workplace): These is a virtual version of the UWP that can be accessed remotely
via web browser or the Citrix application. It is not to be confused with the
Virtual Research Workspace (VRW). The VWP is very useful for accessing your data on the UG network storages as well as to access a limited set of programs that are available in the UWP, if you are not on location.
UFC (User-Managed UWP): This is a special version of the UWP. It is also a local Windows installation, but compared to the UWP, it gives you the capability to install software on your own. If you are unsure if you are using a UFC or UWP, try to install a program in your system. If you are able to install the software, you are working on a UFC, otherwise, you are on a UWP machine.
(v)LWP (Linux Workplace): Next to the Windows-based solutions presenting above, the UG also provides a Linux-based workplace, the so called LWP. As with the UWP, it is available as a local workstation installation, but
can be accessed remotely as well. The LWP has its own
LWP-Wiki with more information, and it can also be reached via
Below you can find a list of the remote connection options available to you. Once you have selected which solution suits you, you can click on its name to navigate to the relevant page in the wiki. If you find you need a different solution, there will be a link at the bottom of the solution page to redirect you back here. Otherwise, you can also use the index tree to the left to navigate to the page you want to visualize.
Available Remote Connections:
Accessing the UWP from your web browser: Fast way to access UG software and storage locations (X: and Y: drive). Does
not allow for data transfer between local and remote workstation. Some software might not be available on the virtual UWP.
Accessing the UWP using the Citrix Workspace App: Full access to UG software and storage locations (X: and Y: drive). Allows for data transfer between your local and remote workstation. Some software might not be available on the virtual UWP.
Accessing the LWP from your web browser: Fast way to access UG software and storage locations (X: and Y: drive) on a Linux-based system. Does
not allow for data transfer between local and remote workstation. Some software might not be available on the virtual LWP.
Accessing the LWP with the NoMachine App: Full access to UG software and storage locations (X: and Y: drive) on a Linux-based system. Allows for data transfer between your local and remote workstation. Some software might not be available on the virtual LWP.