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Qualtrics usage

Getting started on Qualtrics

Qualtrics offers a few resources for you to get started. Here are the ones we recommend:

How to secure Qualtrics research data AFTER your research

First of all, Qualtrics is not intended to be used as a storage platform for your data. You can collect your data there while the survey is open, but we advise you to take the data out and store it in a secure UG location once your collection phase is over. Once again: Do not use Qualtrics to store your research data!

To make sure you safely export your surveys, this is what you need to do:

  1. Log in at Qualtrics
  2. Export your completed surveys
    1. Go to Survey → Tools → Export → Export Survey.
    2. This will download a QSF file with the empty survey, so you can re-use it later in the new research. This file does not contain any research data from respondents.
  3. Export research data from respondents
    1. Go to Data & Analysis → Export & Import → Export data, and choose the format you would like to store the data in (e.g. SPSS format)
  4. Verify (in e.g. SPSS) that your data has indeed been successfully stored
  5. Save the QSF file from (2) and your data file from (3) in a UG location suitable to store research data
  6. Remove the survey from Qualtrics
    1. In the right hand side of the main menu after the project name you can find the button for Actions → Delete Project
  7. Repeat step 2 through 6 for all finished surveys.

If you have any questions, or if you are running into any issues, please contact your local administrator or the DCC.

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