{{indexmenu_n>7}} ====== With Unishare ====== Unishare is a cloud based service offered by the UG that can be used to store and share information with colleagues both in- and outside of the RUG. You can access Unishare either via the [[https://unishare.nl/index.php/login|Unishare web interface]] or via the Nextcloud client. The [[https://nextcloud.com/install/|Nextcloud client]] is available for all major platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android). How to use Unishare and install the NextCloud client can be found in the [[https://libguides.rug.nl/c.php?g=697134&p=5124480|Unishare manual]]. RDMS can be configured as an external storage in Unishare enabling you easily transfer data to your preferred RDMS environemnt. ===== Accessing the RDMS ===== Log in to [[https://unishare.nl/index.php/login|Unishare]] and click on the user name icon at the top right of the window, select ''Settings'': {{:rdms:access:inkedinkedunishare_screenshot1.png?200|}} On the left hand side of the settings page, click on ''External Storage'': {{:rdms:access:inkedunishare_screenshot2a.png?150|}} Choose a Folder name (e.g., RDMS). This folder will be your mount point to your RDMS envirinment. Select ''WebDAV'' as external storage from the drop-down menu. {{:rdms:access:unishare_screenshot6.png?500|}} Select ''Username and password'' for authentication, and type ''webdav.data.rug.nl'' in the URL box, and optionally also select a remote sub-folder. Click on the box marked ''Secure https:%%//%%'', and provide username (UG mail address) and type your password. {{:rdms:access:unishare_screenshot3.png?600|}} Wait a few seconds until a green dot appears on the left side of the folder name. If appears a red square, verify the authentication: {{:rdms:access:unishare_screenshot4.png?300|}} Finally, go to your files by clicking on Settings (top left) and clicking on Files: {{:rdms:access:inkedunishare_screenshot5.png?450|}} Now the RDMS mount point contains all your RDMS environments and you are ready to transfer data. {{:rdms:access:inkedunishare_screenshot7a.png?700|}}