{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== Overview ====== \\ {{ :rdms:webapp:landing_page1.png?direct& |}} Figure 1 \\ The landing page of the RDMS web portal (Figure 1) consists of three main sections; the Menu, browser and the content of the selected menu item. By hovering over the {{:rdms:webapp:interface_question_button.png?direct&20|}} button on the Menu bar (Figure 2) you will see all the menu items that are available for you. You can navigate through various Menu items of the web portal, such as ''Data browser'', ''Search'' or ''Metadata Template Settings''. By default, the landing page of the Web portal will look like as in shown in Figure 1 for all users; meaning that the content of the ''Data browser'' will be present. Note that, depending on your role as a user you might not see all the Menu items shown in Figure 2. \\ {{ :rdms:webapp:menu.png?direct&300 |}} Figure 2 If the ''Data browser'' is selected, the browser section will be a directory browser (Figure 1). There, you will find an overview of the different environments (if you have necessary permission as a user) such as ''Projects'', ''Team drives'' or ''My folder'' that can be used for easy navigation. The directory browser can be revealed or hidden by using the {{:rdms:webapp:reveal.png?direct&20|}} and {{:rdms:webapp:hide.png?direct&20|}} buttons, respectively. Next to the directory browser, you will find the area that shows the content of the currently selected drive. For example, if you select ''My folder'' (Figure 1), you will see the current files and folders under that location. Or, if you select the ''Search'' item from the Menu, then you will see the [[rdms:webapp:search|search]] window. In the ''Data browser'', you will also be able to reveal another window to the right side of the interface. This window can be used to see general information about the selected file, information about the permissions, and information about sharing option. This view is not always shown and it can be revealed only by selecting the {{:rdms:webapp:interface_info_button.png?direct&20|}} button from the interface (Figure 3). \\ {{ :rdms:webapp:landingpage2.png?direct& |}} Figure 3 In the following sections of the wiki, we will explain the different aspects of the web portal that can be accessed via the sidebar: * [[rdms:webapp:databrowser|]]: * [[rdms:webapp:search|Search]] * [[rdms:webapp:browse|Browse to folder]] * [[rdms:metadata:metadatatemplates|Metadata Templates Settings]] * [[rdms:webapp:workflows|Workflows]] * Processes/Jobs * Dashboard