{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== About the RDMS ====== The proper management of research data is becoming increasingly important. On one hand, there is a shared ambition within the UG and among research funders to adhere to the various facets of the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_science|Open science]] framework and the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAIR_data|FAIR data principles]]. On the other hand, concerns about the rules and regulations imposed by [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation|GDPR]] have arisen, alongside the growing opportunities for data reuse if datasets are discoverable and reusable. Current storage solutions (X/Y drive, [[https://unishare.nl/|Unishare]], Google Drive, NAS) do not adequately meet the standards of the long-term data storage. This includes advanced metadata management, visualisation of user permissions and policy implementations, and access audit. With the RDMS we aim to meet the requirements of modern data management. **Current RDMS functionality (April 2024):** * A centralized long-term data storage system for research data (both sensitive and non-sensitive data). * Data sharing within the UG. * Automated policy implementation. * The option to add customized metadata and extract metadata from file headers for enhanced search. * Data storing in personal and [[rdms:solution:team|team]] environments. * Different user roles and permissions. * Advance data query options. Saving and exporting the query results. * A connection to the HPC clusters [[rdms:access:hpc|Hábrók]] and Snellius as well as the [[rdms:access:lwp:|Linux Workspace (LWP)]] for easy data transfer via command line. Moreover, we are continuously working on the RDMS to increase the user experience and add new functionalities. **Upcoming functionalities:** * Audit & activity log: Users can trace back the history of actions performed on a given data file and identify who performed them. * Publishing metadata in public repositories to facilitate Open Science Framework. ==== User Training ==== For information about upcoming RDMS training events (workshops, presentations, etc.), please refer to the [[rdms:training|User Training section]] of this wiki. There, you also find the available training materials from past events which can be used. ===== Support ===== Primary support of the RDMS is given by the RDMS support team, who will help you with any questions about using the system. Please mail us at: [[rdms-support@rug.nl|rdms-support@rug.nl]] for help, but also for feedback and new feature requests.