{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== About the RDMS ====== The Research Data Management System (RDMS) is the **long-term data storage** solution for the University of Groningen (UG). It helps researchers comply with the 10-year data storage requirement outlined in the UG and the NWO data management policies. RDMS is designed to help researchers adhere to the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_science|Open science]] framework and the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAIR_data|FAIR data principles]], while also considering the regulations imposed by the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation|GDPR]]. RDMS offers [[https://wiki.hpc.rug.nl/rdms/solution/multizone|two zones]]: one for sensitive research data (Sensitive Data Zone) and one for non-sensitive research data (Default Data Zone). It uses the open source data management software [[https://irods.org/|iRODS]]. **Current RDMS functionality (January 2025):** * A centralized long-term data storage system for research data (both sensitive and non-sensitive data). * Data sharing within the UG. * Automated policy implementation. * The option to add customized metadata and extract metadata from file headers for enhanced search. * Data storing in personal and [[rdms:solution:team|team]] environments. * Different user roles and permissions. * Advance data query options. Saving and exporting the query results. * A connection to the HPC clusters [[rdms:access:hpc|Hábrók]] and Snellius as well as the [[rdms:access:lwp:|Linux Workspace (LWP)]] for easy data transfer via command line. Moreover, we are continuously working on the RDMS to increase the user experience and add new functionalities. **Upcoming functionalities:** * Audit & activity log: Users can trace back the history of actions performed on a given data file and identify who performed them. * Publishing metadata in public repositories to facilitate Open Science Framework. ==== User Training ==== For information about upcoming RDMS training events (workshops, presentations, etc.), please refer to the [[rdms:training|User Training section]] of this wiki. There, you also find the available training materials from past events which can be used. ===== Support ===== Primary support of the RDMS is given by the RDMS support team, who will help you with any questions about using the system. Please mail us at: [[rdms-support@rug.nl|rdms-support@rug.nl]] for help, but also for feedback and new feature requests.