====== Known issues ====== This page contains a list of known issues, and, if possible, workaround for them. For other kind of issues, please also check the [[http://status.hpc.rug.nl|HPC status page]]. ===== MFA for F-accounts not possible ===== Unfortunately, setting up MFA for F-accounts turns out to be impossible. Instead, external collaborators should get an OEP (externall staff) identity via the HR department. ===== Getting e-mails on job status changes ===== The Slurm scheduler has not been connected to a mail server and getting mail notifications is not possible. ===== Wrong software stack used for interactive jobs ===== Interactive jobs, submitted as described on [[habrok:advanced_job_management:interactive_jobs|]], may not be using the software stack that was built for the CPU type of the allocated job, which could lead to application warnings or errors. In order to work around this, you can run ''unset SW_STACK_ARCH && module restore'' when the interactive job has started. ===== Software using Intel MPI fails when using ''mpirun'' ===== This seems to happen for jobs requesting a larger number of nodes, and only with ''mpirun''. Please see this [[habrok:examples:mpi#intel_mpi | Intel MPI]] section for more information about using ''srun'' instead.