{{indexmenu_n>2}} ====== Qualtrics Guide ====== ====About Qualtrics Online Survey Suit ==== The **Qualtrics Research Suite** is a user-friendly, feature-rich, web-based survey tool which allows users to build, distribute, and analyse online surveys, collaborate in real-time, and export data in multiple formats. **Read this page carefully when you use Qualtrics for research, because there are very important aspects to consider to protect and secure your data.** ==== Qualtrics usage restrictions ==== Qualtrics is available to all University of Groningen staff and students. When accessing the [[https://rug.eu.qualtrics.com/|UG instance of Qualtrics]] you can **log in with your P- or S-number**. If you are already logged into a UG service, the log in to Qualtrics will happen automatically. Because your account and data on Qualtrics are linked to your UG account, please consider that if the use of your P- or S-account is discontinued, you will lose access to Qualtrics. **Your data will not be removed from Qualtrics**, but will become inaccessible without the help of a Qualtrics administrator. Please make sure you secure your data and clear your account before your contract with the UG ends or [[dcc@rug.nl|ask for support]] well in time to do so. Be also aware that the UG license allows **use only for teaching and research purposes. Business or internal customer/student satisfaction surveys are __not allowed__** under our current campus license. ==== Qualtrics and personal data ==== When people participate in your research by means of a questionnaire, you will probably collect personal data. Researchers, students and staff who collect personal data **are obliged to protect the privacy of the survey respondents** by thinking carefully about the survey design and data management (as stated in the General Data Protection Regulation). Qualtrics is an externally hosted platform intended for data collection only! Always make sure you remove any personal or sensitive data after you have completed your research. Read the [[https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/getting-started/qualtrics-gdpr-compliance/|Qualtrics info on GDPR compliancy]]. Also, check the [[https://www.rug.nl/digital-competence-centre/privacy-and-data-protection/gdpr-research/|GDPR related]] pages of the DCC about which aspects of it are relevant for your case. [[dcc:itsol:qualtrics:use| → Move to the next step]] [[dcc:itsol:qualtrics:contacts| → Go to UG Qualtrics contacts page]]