maxIterations = 5000; gridSize = 1000; xlim = [-0.748766713922161, -0.748766707771757]; ylim = [ 0.123640844894862, 0.123640851045266]; % Setup normal way. x = linspace( xlim(1), xlim(2), gridSize ); y = linspace( ylim(1), ylim(2), gridSize ); [xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid( x, y ); z0 = xGrid + 1i*yGrid; count = ones( size(z0) ); % Calculate t = tic(); z = z0; for n = 0:maxIterations z = z.*z + z0; inside = abs( z )<=2; count = count + inside; end count = log( count ); % Show cpuTime = toc( t ); fig = gcf; fig.Position = [200 200 600 600]; imagesc( x, y, count ); axis image colormap( [jet();flipud( jet() );0 0 0] ); title( sprintf( '%1.2fsecs (without GPU)', cpuTime ) ); print -dpng CPU.png % Set up GPU x = gpuArray.linspace( xlim(1), xlim(2), gridSize ); y = gpuArray.linspace( ylim(1), ylim(2), gridSize ); [xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid( x, y ); z0 = complex( xGrid, yGrid ); count = ones( size(z0), 'gpuArray' ); % Calculate t = tic(); z = z0; for n = 0:maxIterations z = z.*z + z0; inside = abs( z )<=2; count = count + inside; end count = log( count ); % Show count = gather( count ); % Fetch the data back from the GPU naiveGPUTime = toc( t ); imagesc( x, y, count ) axis image title( sprintf( '%1.3fsecs (naive GPU) = %1.1fx faster', ... naiveGPUTime, cpuTime/naiveGPUTime ) ) print -dpng GPU.png